In case you missed my last post, I’ve been in the worst sewing rut ever. I’m an emotional creative who’s been navigating a lot and just haven’t been able to pull myself out of it for over a month. Creating brings me so much joy and you would think that my beautiful BERNINA’s personally sought me out to offend me the way I’d been avoiding them.
They didn’t.
Others did.
I let it affect me.
And now I’m ready to move on.
But I know it’s not me that this sort of thing affects so I want to share the things that I did that had the greatest impact on getting out of the rut and back into doing what I love to do.
3 Things To Do To Get You Out of Your Sewing Rut
Stop Sewing
Yes, this sounds counterproductive and I know it. But here’s the thing: we all need breaks—even from the things that we love most. When the things that normally make you happy don’t, it’s a sign that you’ve got some other things going on that may be more pressing. Instead of trying to escape it, process it. It sounds simple, but it isn’t.
This is so damn taboo that I hate that I’m writing it. So why suggest it? Because it works. I ALWAYS encourage people to journal and I never did. And then I started last month and the clarity that I got was amazing. When I wake up, I’m really overrun with thoughts. Like there’s a million thoughts running through my head and it’s hard to navigate through them. It’s hard to reach in and pull out the ones that are going to make my day or break my day. I’ve found that journaling all my thoughts in a disorganized, not perfect or aesthetically pleasing way has helped me get to where I need to be. Like I’m literally “cutting the fat” out of my brain to help me focus on the things that matter while processing the things that are impacting what matters. Try it for yourself.
Do Something Else
Or sit still. Both of these work the same. I started expressing my creativity in other ways. I picked up junk journaling and started back knitting. I’ve sat and stared out the window for hours letting my brain just go and think and dream like I was a kid again. I stopped putting so much pressure and urgency on myself because it was killing my creativity and gusto. Sometimes we have to remember the joy and happiness of simply existing.
Because we live in these social media ages that can be a double-edged sword, I encourage you to mute/unfollow accounts or people that simply don’t feed your mental health. You don’t owe people your attention or follow—especially if they aren’t helping in some way, shape or form. Be intentional about what you allow in all the spaces that you create. If you find yourself feeling like you have to compete, you’re triggered, you feel attacked in a non-funny way, remove those accounts from your space. You have the power to create a beautiful and supportive online community so do that. Be committed to filling your space with goodness and light or whatever it is that is calming and inspiring or whatever you need it to be.
I hope this helps and happy creating!
Will I see you in my Projector 101 class? I hope I do!