Hey friends,
I would be absolutely fibbing if I was like, I’m completely recovered from SewExpo—because I’m not. I woke up today trying to figure out what life was until I remembered I was heading to teach at TopStitch Atlanta today.
SewExpo 2024
In a nutshell, it was awesome and amazing and I had the time of my life. I got to meet so many people that I’ve known online in person and I loved that. I also got to teach. Like a lot. Like 10 classes. And out of the 10 classes, only 2 people walked out disgruntled.
Yes, walked out.
Again, I would be lying if I said that it didn’t affect me but others reminded me of how many stayed and let’s be real, that was the important part.
I felt really prepared for my classes and I love teaching so much!!! Catch up on all the tea I didn’t mention here:
Let’s Get Personal…
Today when I got to TopStitch Atlanta, Leigh (the owner) had asked me why I wasn’t teaching more in Atlanta. Leigh is such a really nice person that I felt ok giving her my honest answer. I love teaching but people haven’t asked me to so I assumed they didn’t want me to. I know that’s not how the world works but I’ve also pitched some classes locally that were overlooked or didn’t fill up so I just charged it as something that people didn’t want me in that capacity for.
But you know what? I love teaching so much. I would really like to teach on the collegiate or high school level if I’m being completely honest. So I’m going to work to get out of my head and see what I can do about that.
Housekeeping Items:
Today was the last day to get early bird tickets for Atlanta Frocktails. Regular tickets go live on Monday!
Did I tell you I have a TV show with Fashion News TV??? Well, that kicks off on Wednesday at 1pm EST. I’ll be sending a follow-up email for that next week.
Last week my newest patterns dropped. I have a new pattern on the Simplicity website AND MadeForMermaids.com—check me out!
I owe my paid subbies the next paid newsletter—it’s coming!
Chat soon!!!
As you see I just launched a whole class because I love teaching adults. But, I hope to get solid enough with my fiber crafts to teach it more again. I taught a scarf masterclass and never was asked to come back...