Happy Friday Friends!!!
Let’s address the obvious elephant in the room—I didn’t send anything out last week.
Last Friday I had some quality me time and while I would like to pretend I pre-write and schedule these, I don’t. These are written by me on Friday mornings with my Friday morning feelings. So if you were waiting for it, my apologies. To those that are like, “huh? There was none?” I see how much I matter to you—jk jk jk.
New Pattern November Is In Full Swing!!!
And I’m excited. I’ve really been pressing myself to not just do new patterns, but also techniques I typically avoid. Let’s get into the new patterns I’ve sewn up until now:
KnowMe ME2009 Hacked into a bomber jacket
Blackbird Fabrics Bestie Bag (that I now wear daily)
Muna And Broad Belmore Jacket
Daughter Judy Isola Jumpsuit
I’ve really been enjoying being pressed out of my comfort zone with these things. Coats and jackets have been things I’ve always been hesitant about sewing and this month alone I’ve made two… Talk about a press!!!
Remember that all of November if you’re using a pattern for the first time, tag it with #NewPatternNovember or #NewPatternNovember2023 and you’ll be entered to win some of the giveaways!
I Uploaded 5 New YouTube Videos This Week
That’s right friends… FIVE.
I don’t know if it’s that something clicked for me or I’m just tired of not living up to my potential but I got out of my head and got to producing more content. Here are the videos:
Head to my channel for the rest!
Mean People Suck
This week was a little rough on these social media streets for me. I posted a tester call for an upcoming pattern drafted from the V/men’s block and you would have thought I cursed someone’s mom! It happened in Julian’s group so naturally we brought it to The Cutting Table on this week’s episode of The AudaSEWtea.
Listen here:
Next week is Thanksgiving aka Turkey Day aka eat a big meal with the people you love without the pressure of presents. Next Friday is the newsletter that goes out to paid subbies and they’ll be getting a pattern with tutorial in the newsletter so if you want in, go ahead and sign up!
Have a fantastic weekend!!!