Hi Friend!
It’s the first Friday of a new month and I’m excited. Last month was a little rough. I don’t know if it’s because it was my first October as a previvor of cancer or what but it was a heavy month. November has come in and I’m feeling so much better. Granted, Thanksgiving was built on lies, death, and destruction, I’m still using this month to refocus on gratitude and all I have to be thankful for—like you all!
Also: it’s #NewPatternNovember!!! I started this last year and it was so good for me. I fell in love with patterns I had bought and never made and got new favorites. So I’m running it back this year!
I’ve decided that I want to do some giveaways at the end so if you’d like to sponsor, let me know!!!
To kick off things, I sewed my dear friend Julian’s first KnowMe Pattern. When he came out with it, I wanted to make it but I do NOT love cutting patterns out from tissue. I have it digitally and was able to cut a pair for my husband with ease and now I’m kicking myself for not making this pattern sooner. My daughter saw my husband try them on and has now requested them for her school pants. I don’t know how to break it to her buuuuuut dear Uncle Julian’s pattern doesn’t come in her size lol!
Between today and tomorrow, I need to make another new-to-me pattern and I think I will work on some pattern tests since those are technically new to me!
I’m Working Hard on Creating More Content
And I love it but friends, I really miss coaching. I miss it so much that I can actually get out of my head and market myself. The wild thing is that I’m an exceptionally good coach and I’ve coached multi-million dollar business owners with success. I’ve created executive coaching programs for Fortune 500 companies. But yet I’m still here like, “I don’t want to sound to salesy” while during the time it took me to write this email, I’m certain that I’ve received no less than 10 emails that are sales-related.
But I also really love making my sewing content. I have a couple of new series dropping on TikTok that are geared towards projects that don’t require lots of time which I think will be helpful with the upcoming holiday season. I’m working on a gift guide for sewists as well so stay tuned for that.
But this begs the question… what kind of content would you like to see this holiday season? Feel free to comment here—I get those notifications!