Hi Friends!
The #selflovesewing challenge is in full swing and I’m having fun with it!
Last week I didn’t get much time to sew and honestly, I hate that. I miss sewing and producing as much as I used to—especially because my kids really need things! But sometimes it’s hard to get away from the computer to sit at my machines and sew. On Sunday I published my return to weekly vlogs and it occurred to me that I’ve been sewing like once a week or when I’m live and that’s just not the business.
What Are Your Favorite Things To Sew?
This week I was asked this as I was invited to go live with two other sewists in the community.
My favorite things to sew are dresses but you know what I love wearing?
So today I’m carving out time to sew my favorite things to wear which are pants, dusters, crop tops, and bodysuits. Don’t get me wrong: I love dresses. But my thighs just fight for a place and chafing, etc. I have the anti-chafe shorts that I LOVE but I need like 1000 pairs to keep up with my dresses!
I will say that the skirt that I have in testing has a shorts option under to help with that so I’m excited about it finishing.
This week on the AudaSEWtea…
We had a really insightful conversation about self-love and how it shows up in everything from the boundaries we set to the things we wear. Make sure you give it a listen and let us know what you think! It really makes our day when you share you listen, leave us comments and talk about it. I hope you all are doing wonderfully!
Chat soon!